Justice League: War (2014)

Justice League: War
Justice League: War - In Gotham City’s shadows lurks a mysterious figure, a silent guardian known only as the Batman. While battling crime and an ever-growing public distrust, he faces the injustices of the night alone. During a criminal pursuit, the Batman crosses paths with the arrogant intergalactic cop, Green Lantern and the unlikely duo uncover an impending threat bigger and more deadly then anything the Earth has faced before. To have a chance to survive, it will be a race to forge an uneasy alliance of the Earth’s greatest super powers including the Kryptonian alien, Superman, the Amazonian envoy, Wonder Woman and the scarlet Speedster, The Flash. Along with newcomers, Cyborg and teen super hero Shazam, this awesome assembly of the world’s finest are prepared to meet evil head on and offer mankind its only hope, if they don’t self-destruct first!
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